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Hey man, I like your game! It could really use hold-to-fire tho. Music was dope, and you definitely have a lot of potential. Keep improving as much as you can. This is a great start! :)


Thanks so much! I really appreciate it. I will definitely try adding full auto after the jam๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ˜€

My poor mouse ... the game needs hold-to-shoot:)

I got to 753 and could play seemingly infinitely, but was bored to continue.

Wow! Nice score. I agree that the game does need something to keep it interesting over time.๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘

Very cool game, my best is 627. I am 1 year older than you lol.

(3 edits)

433 with autoclicker

movement doesnt feel very satisfying in my opinion

the screen becomes a mess at higher scores

Lol I should probably add full auto

Hi! This is me! Awesome game!

IM 2 YEARS OLDER!!!!! but nice game

Nice! How is game development going? Do you have a long term project your working on?๐Ÿ˜€

(1 edit)

ร start programming at your Current age , but mostly Discord Bots and not lot Unity, no big Projects (Except Brackeys Cube Game but with Shop, Infinity Mode, Tourorial, Achievments, Catapults, Junp Pads and so on) working alone btw. And have just one Game published (for this jam), and you?

I started about a year ago, but I genuinely feel like my knowledge has massively expanded over this game. It was really fun and I will definitely do more. I have made other games but none were properly finished like this one.๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ™ƒ๐Ÿ™ƒ

this was actually my second finish Game ever, I had that feeling too, but not in Unity. I had it when I started programming in Visual Studio 2019 with a Programm That ร made like The Windows Text Editor, but more Programmer Friendly. Have you already tested my Game for the Jam?


Very nice game!

Check out mine 

Thanks! I will for sure ๐Ÿ˜Š

Hi guy. I have to say that your game is nice, enjoyable. But remember go to Brackeys Jam page and click on submit your project, later, if your game is ready in the jam then you will see a text just under the "rate this game", "view all by Onshorepencil" and "follow Onshorepencil" that is in the right side of your game page .. just below It would be say "Submission to brackeys jam". Make sure you have uploaded your game to the Game Jam. Greetings.

I think I've submitted it to the jam now, but it officially ends on Sunday so the voting doesn't start yet :)